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RARE1.15.2 download page

The file structures and naming conventions are described in the readme document.

The complete set of roughly 3000 rare1.15.2 ocean and sea ice files on the original approximately 0.1°x0.1° displaced pole non-Mercator horizontal grid at 75 z* vertical levels (but we only save every other level to reduce the file size) every 5-days, can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget commands:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_5dy_ocean_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/ORIGINAL/ocean/
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_5dy_ice_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/ORIGINAL/ice/

The ocean files are 768Mb each while the sea ice files are 44mb each. The same sets of files remapped onto a more convenient 1/2°x1/2° Mercator (also known as 'regular') horizontal grid at the same 75 z* vertical levels, every 5dy, can also be downloaded using the linux wget commands:.

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_5dy_ocean_reg_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/REGRIDED/ocean/
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_5dy_ice_reg_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/REGRIDED/ice/

The complete set of roughly 500 monthly average rare1.15.2 ocean and sea ice files on the regular 0.1°x0.1° Mercator horizontal grid at 75 z* vertical levels, can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget commands:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_mn_ocean_reg_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/REGRIDED/ocean/
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'rare1.15.2_mn_ice_reg_*.nc' https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/REGRIDED/ice/

The individual sizes of the regridded files are the same as for the 5dy files: 286Mb and 15Mb.

The complete set of roughly 1300 10-day average volume transport files on the original approximately 1/4°x1/4° displaced pole non-Mercator horizontal grid at 75 z* vertical levels can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget command:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A.nc https://dsrs.atmos.umd.edu/DATA/rare1.15.2/ORIGINAL/transport

Each file is 320Mb.