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soda3.3.2.0 download page

soda3.3.2.0 is a simulation (OMIP) beginning with the same initial conditions and subject to the same forcing as soda3.3.2. The only difference is that there is no data assimilation. File structures and naming conventions are described in the readme document.

Here are text files containing lists of the locations of the soda3.3.2.0 ocean and sea ice files filled with state variables remapped onto a more convenient 1/2°x1/2° Mercator horizontal grid at 50 z* vertical levels, every 5dy. You can download the complete set of 2628 5dy files using a single linux 'wget' command and the regridded ocean and sea ice link text files given above.

Here are the soda3.3.2.0 3D monthly ocean state variables mapped onto the regular 1/2°x1/2° Mercator horizontal grid 50 z* vertical levels. Each file is 3.3Gb. You can download the complete set of monthly files using a single linux 'wget' command and these ocean and sea ice link text files.
1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s

soda3.3.2.0 3D monthly sea ice state variables mapped onto a regular 1/2°x1/2° Mercator horizontal grid. 5 ice types. Each file is 88Mb.
1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s

soda3.3.2.0 3D monthly ocean state on 16 isopycnal (potential density) surfaces ranging from sigma 24 to sigma 28 mapped onto the regular 1/2°x1/2° Mercator horizontal grid. Each file is 523Mb.
1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s