Final Projects HALL OF FAME

Weather prediction: A hopeless cause?  by Deena Cone.  Chaos ultimately limits our ability to make long range weather forecasts.

Tall waves of tall stories? by Robert Barnes.  Topography around Long Beach, California focussed wave energy to cause large waves on 20-24 April 1930.

Milankovitch cycles and glacial periods by Matt Rodgers.  Changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun causes periods of glaciation.

The asymmetry of sea surface temperature in the eastern equatorial Pacific by Matthew Patlovany.  The structure of land forms in the eastern equatorial Pacific is the decisive factor in determining the annual cycle of sea surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

The dispersion of sewage in Massachusetts Bay by Holly Murphy.  An investigation of a model that predicts sewage dispersal in Massachusetts Bay.

What if we don't have a 12 month year by Stephanie Chan.  A study of the sensitivity of the annual cycle to the Earth's orbital period.

The big splash: What would happen if an asteroid landed in water? by Thomas Zorn.   Characteristics of an ocean wave caused by sudden impact of an asteroid.

The effects of sea level rise on coastal environments due to global warming by Christina McCann.  How much of a sea level increase might result from an increase in greenhouse gas warming.

Plumes in the Pacific Ocean by Crystal Hoyt.  Dispersion of heat and minerals from a thermal vent plume.

The reason why we don't speak spanish by Lanny Dunham.  Factors that contributed to the storm that decimated the Spanish Armada.