Project Sunda Strait Dynamics
Principal Investigator R. Dwi Susanto, Ph.D.
Grant Office of Naval Research (ONR), USA
Collaborators Dr. Sugiarta Wirasantosa, Dr. Budi Sulistyo & Dr. Agus Setyawan, Research and Development Agency for Marine and Fisheries (Balitbang-KP), Jakarta, Indonesia

Prof. FANG Guohong & Dr. Zexun Wei, First Institute Oceanography, Qingdao, P.R. China
Objectives To quantify the magnitude and variability of Sunda Strait flow that may affect the Indian Ocean Dipole

To determine whether coastally trapped Kelvin waves can penetrate the Sunda Strait and how this affects Strait stratification and mixing and its interaction with water from the Java Sea..

Figure 1. Indonesian throughflow pathways from the Pacific to the Indian Oceans. INSTANT mooring locations (magenta lines) in the Makassar Strait, Lifamatola passage, Ombai and Lombok Strait and Timor passage (2003-2006). Trawl Resistant Bottom Mounted(TRBM) ADCPs in the Sunda Strait (blue and red stars in the bottom insert). S1 and S2 from November 2008 to November 2010, while new Chinese moorings (S1n and S2n) from February 2010 to July 2013. Red dots are CTD stations.