Curriculum Vitae
Juying Xie Warner
Associate Research Scientist
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
University of Maryland College Park
3433 Computer & Space Sciences Bldg,
College Park, MD
Phone: 301-405-2792;
1997: Ph.D.,
Atmospheric Physics, University of Maryland, College
Park, MD
A New Longwave Radiation Model for
Application to Atmospheric
1983: B.S.,
Atmospheric Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.
R. China
– Current: Associate
Research Scientist, AOSC, UMCP, College Park, MD
– 2012: Research
Associate Professor, JCET/UMBC, Baltimore, MD
12, & 13: Visiting
Scientist (1-3 months each year), MeteoFrance, Toulouse, France
– 2010: Part-time
Visiting Scientist, NASA/GSFC/GMAO
– 2009: Assistant
Research Scientist, JCET/UMBC, Baltimore, MD
(Fall): Visiting
Professor, Laboratoire dŐ Arologie,
Toulouse, France
– 2004: Project
Scientist II, NCAR/ACD, Boulder, CO
– 2001: Project
Scientist I, NCAR/ACD, Boulder, CO
(Summer): Research
Associate, Department of Meteorology, UMCP, MD
– 1997: Research
Assistant, Department of Meteorology, UMCP, MD
– 1988: Visiting
Scientist, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationŐs Group
Achievement Award for ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere
from Aircraft and Satellites)
2007: The
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationŐs Group Achievement Award
Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment
2006: UCAR
Scientific and Technical Advancement Award for contributions to the EOS/MOPITT
2005: The
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationŐs Group Achievement Award Intercontinental
Chemical Transport Experiment North America
research interests include the global transports of trace gases and aerosols
from NASA/EOS satellite measurements.
retrieval algorithms for atmospheric trace gases and carrying through
validations and science analyses;
in NASA tropospheric chemistry field campaigns, especially INTEX-A in 2004,
INTEX-B in 2006, and the ARCTAS in 2008, for studies of inter-continental
pollution transports and its effects on climate and air quality.
NCAR, led the effort to develop a satellite cloud detection algorithm for
MOPITT instrument that is currently on board NASA EOS Terra satellite and
providing daily products.
a new infrared radiative transfer model to calculate radiative energy and
heating by the atmospheric trace gases.
A new narrow band transmittance formulation provided higher agreement
with field measurements.
a remote sensing group hosting an airborne spectrometer.
2010 – Current: NASA
AIRS Science Team Member
– 2014: POGEQA
(Geostationary platform for observing AQ) funded by the French government and PI by Drs. Vincent-Henri Peuch and Jean-Luc Attie
Grant Funding
Current and
NASA NNH13ZDA001N, The Science of Terra and Aqua, 06/01/14-05/31/17, New Daily Global Products of N2O
and HNO3 from AIRS.
The Science of Terra and Aqua, 3/11/2011-6/10/2014, New Global Measurements of Tropospheric NH3 and HDO from AIRS.
Earth System Data Records Uncertainty Analysis, 6/1/2011-8/31/2014, Uncertainty
Analysis of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Data Records Using AIRS and IASI from
a Uniform Algorithm.
NNH05ZDA001N Atmospheric Composition, 7/15/07 -7/14/11, An Inter-comparison of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Measurements from
the Past and Current Satellite Instruments: Using a Uniform Retrieval Algorithm.
Validation, 6/1/06 - 5/31/10, Validation
of TES Tropospheric CO and O3 and OMI Tropospheric O3
with AIRS Validated Products.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory –
00003908, 9/1/10 - 8/31/11, Optimization
and Validation for Version 6 of AIRS Trace Gas Products
Jet Propulsion Laboratory –
1487611, 9/1/2013 – 8/31/2015, Continued
Efforts for AIRS CO Using OE Method
Warner, 1/1/08 - 12/31/10, Forecast and
Analysis of the Transport of Aerosol and Carbon Monoxide Using GEOS-5/GOCART Model Simulations and MODIS/AIRS Satellite
Measurements During ARCTAS
– 00005425, 5/2009 – 9/2010, Ozone
Assimilation Using AIRS Radiances
and Mentoring Experience
Courses Taught
Computing and Data Analysis: Deciphering Climate Change Clues, Department of
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, UMD, Spring, 2015.
Atmospheric Physics II, Dept. of Physics, UMBC, Spring, 2005
PHYS741: Inverse
Methods, Dept. of Physics, UMBC, Fall, 2010
Chinese for
English Speakers: Hope Chinese Community School, 1993-1997
1. Warner, J. X., R. Yang, Z. Wei, F. Carminati, A. Tangborn, Z. Sun, W. Lahoz,
J-L. Attié, L. El Amraoui,
and B. Duncan, 2013, Global Carbon Monoxide Products
from Combined AIRS, TES and MLS Measurements on A-train Satellites, Atmos.
Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 15409-15441,
doi:10.5194/acpd-13-15409-2013, 2014.
Warner, J. X., F. Carminati, Z.
Wei, W. Lahoz, J.-L. Atti, 2013, Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Variability from AIRS
and IASI Under Clear and Cloudy Conditions, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 16337-16366,
doi:10.5194/acpd-13-16337-2013, 2013.
3. Carminati, F.,
Ricaud, P., Pommereau, J.-P.,
Rivire, E., Khaykin, S.,
Atti, J.-L., and Warner, J.: Impact of
tropical land convection on the water vapour budget
in the tropical tropopause layer, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6195-6211, doi:10.5194/acp-14-6195-2014,
Ricaud, P., Sič, B., El Amraoui, L.,
Atti, J.-L., Huszar, P., Szopa, S., Parmentier, J., Jaidan, N.,
Michou, M., Abida, R.,
Zbinden, R., Carminati, F.,
Hauglustaine, D., August, T.,
Warner, J., Imasu, R., Saitoh, N.,
and Peuch, V.-H.: Variability of tropospheric
methane above the Mediterranean Basin inferred from satellite and model data,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11427-11446, doi: 10.5194/acp-14-11427-2014,
5. Hache, E., Atti, J.-L.,
Tourneur, C., Ricaud, P., Coret, L., Lahoz, W. A., El Amraoui, L.,
Josse, B., Hamer, P.,
Warner, J., Liu, X., Chance, K., Hpfner, M.,
Spurr, R., Natraj, V.,
Kulawik, S., Eldering, A.,
and Orphal, J.: The added value of a visible
channel to a geostationary thermal infrared instrument to monitor ozone for air
quality, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 2185-2201,
doi:10.5194/amt-7-2185-2014, 2014.
6. El Amraoui, L., Atti, J.-L.,
Ricaud, P., Lahoz, W. A., Piacentini, A., Peuch, V.-H.,
Warner, J. X., Abida, R., Barr, J., and Zbinden, R.:
Tropospheric CO vertical profiles deduced from total columns using data
assimilation: methodology and validation, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3035-3057, doi:10.5194/amt-7-3035-2014, 2014.
7. Kim,
P. S., D. J. Jacob, X. Liu, J. X. Warner,
K. Yang, and K. Chance, 2013, Global
ozone–CO correlations from OMI and AIRS: constraints on tropospheric
ozone sources, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discussion, 13, 8901-8937, in press for ACP, 2013.
8. Worden, H. M., Deeter,
M. N., Frankenberg, C., George, M., Nichitiu, F.,
Worden, J., Aben, I., Bowman, K., Clerbaux,
C., Coheur, P.F., de Laat,
A.T., Detweiler, J. R., Drummond, J.R., Edwards, D.,
Gille, J., Hurtmans, D., Luo,
M., Martínez-Alonso, S., Massie1, S., Pfister1,
G., Sweeney, C., Warner, J.X., 2013, Decadal Record of Satellite Carbon
Monoxide Observations, Atmos. Chem.
Phys., 13, 837-850, doi:10.5194/acp-13-837-2013.
Ricaud, P., F. Carminati,
Y. Courcoux, A. Pellegrini,
J.-L. Attié, L. El Amraoui, C. Genthon, T. August,
and J. Warner, 2013, Statistical
Analyses and Correlation between Tropospheric Temperature and Humidity at Dome
C, Antarctica, Antarctic
Science, Version V3, 12 January 2012.
10. Bian, H., Colarco, P.,
Chin, M., Chen, G., Douglass, A. R.,
Rodriguez, J. M., Liang, Q., Warner, J.,
Chu, D. A., Crounse, J., Cubison, M. J., da Silva, A., Dibb, J., Diskin, G., Fuelberg, H. E., Huey, G.,
Jimenez, J. L., Kondo, Y., Nielsen, J. E., Pawson, S., and Wei, Z.: Investigation of source
attributions of pollution to the Western Arctic during the NASA ARCTAS field
campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 12, 8823-8855,
doi:10.5194/acpd-12-8823-2012, 2012.
11. Lin, M., A. Fiore, L. W. Horowitz, O. R.
R. Cooper, V. Naik, J. S. Holloway, B. J. J. Johnson,
A. M. Middlebrook, S. J. J. Oltmans,
I. B. Pollack, T. B. Ryerson, J. Warner, C. Wiedinmyer,
J. Wilson, and B. Wyman, Transport of Asian ozone pollution into surface air
over the western United States in spring, J. Geophys.
Res., doi:10.1029/2011JD016961,
12. Warner, J. X., Wei, Z.,
Strow, L. L., Barnet, C. D., Sparling, L. C., Diskin, G., and Sachse, G.:
Improved Agreement of AIRS Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Products with other EOS
Sensors Using Optimal Estimation Retrievals, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10,
9521-9533, doi:10.5194/acp-10-9521-2010, 2010.
13. Fisher, J. A.,
Jacob, D. J., Purdy, M. T., Kopacz, M.,
Le Sager, P., Carouge, C.,
Holmes, C. D., Yantosca, R. M., Batchelor, R. L., Strong, K., Diskin, G. S., Fuelberg, H. E.,
Holloway, J. S., Hyer, E. J.,
McMillan, W. W., Warner, J., Streets, D. G., Zhang, Q.,
Wang, Y., and Wu, S.: Source attribution and interannual variability
of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and
satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10,
977–996, 2010.
14. El Amraoui, L., Atti, J.-L., Semane, N., Claeyman, M., Peuch, V.-H.,
Warner, J., Ricaud, P., Cammas, J.-P.,
Piacentini, A., Cariolle, D.,
Massart, S., and Bencherif, H.:
Midlatitude stratosphere – troposphere exchange
as diagnosed by MLS O3 and MOPITT
CO assimilated fields, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, no. 5,
2175-2194, 2010.
15. McMillan, W. W., J. X. Warner,
M. M. Comer, E. Maddy, A. Chu, L. Sparling, E. W. Eloranta,
R. M. Hoff, G. Sachse, C. Barnet, I. A. Razenkov, and W. Wolf, 2008, AIRS views of transport from
12-22 July 2004 Alaskan/Canadian fires: Correlation of AIRS CO and MODIS AOD
with forward trajectories and comparison of AIRS CO retrievals with DC-8 in
situ measurements during INTEX-A/ICARTT,
J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/
16. Warner, J. X., M. M. Comer, C. D. Barnet,
W. W. McMillan, W. Wolf, E. Maddy, G. Sachse, 2007: A
Comparison of Satellite Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Measurements from AIRS and
MOPITT During INTEX-A, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/
17. Welty, C. Andrew J.
Miller, Kenneth T.
Belt, James A. Smith, Lawrence E.
Band, Peter M. Groffman, Todd M.
Scanlon, Juying Warner, Robert J. Ryan, Robert J. Shedlock, Michael P.
McGuire, 2007: Design of an
environmental field observatory for quantifying the urban water budget Cities
of the Future Towards Integrated Sustainable Water and Landscape Management by Vladimir
Novotny and Paul Brown. ISBN: 1843391368. Published by IWA Publishing, London,
18. Morris, G. A., S. Hersey, A. M. Thompson,
S. Pawson, J. E. Nielsen, P. R. Colarco,
W. W. McMillian, A. Stohl, S. Turquety,
J. Warner, B. J. Johnson, T. L. Kucsera, D. E. Larko, S. J. Oltmans, and J. C.
Witte, 2006,
Alaskan and Canadian forest fires exacerbate ozone pollution over Houston,
Texas, J. Geophys.
Res., VOL. 111, D24S03, doi:10.1029/2006JD007090.
19. Thompson, A. M., J. B. Stone, J. C. Witte, S. K. Miller, S. J. Oltmans, T. L. Kucsera, K. L.
Ross, K. E. Pickering, J. T. Merrill, G. Forbes, D. W. Tarasick,
E. Joseph, F. J. Schmidlin, W. W. McMillan, J.
Warner, E. J. Hintsa, J. E. Johnson, 2006, IONS-04
(INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004). 2.
Tropospheric Ozone Budgets and Variability over Northeastern North America, J.
Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2006JD007670.
20. McMillan, W. W., C. Barnet, L. Strow, M. Chahine, J. Warner, M. McCourt, P. Novelli,
S. Korontzi, E. Maddy, S. Datta,
2005, Daily Global Maps of Carbon Monoxide from NASAŐs Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
32, L11801, doi:10.1029/ 2004GL021821.
21. Bremer, H., J. Kar,
J. R. Drummond, F. Nichitu, J. Zou,
J. Liu, J. C. Gille, M. N. Deeter, G. Francis, D. Ziskin, and J. Warner, 2004, The Spatial and
Temporal Variation of MOPITT CO
in Africa and South America: A Comparison With SHADOZ Ozone and MODIS Aerosol, J. Geophys. Res.,
109, D12304, doi:10.1029/2003JD004234.
22. Deeter, M. N.; Emmons, L. K.; Francis, G. L.;
Edwards, D. P.; Gille, J. C.; Warner, J. X.; Khattatov,
B.; Ziskin, D.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Ho, S.-P.; Yudin, V.; Attie, J.-L.; Packman, D.; Chen, J.; Mao, D.; Drummond,
James R.; Novelli, Paul; Sachse,
Glen, 2004: Evaluation of operational radiances for the Measurements of
Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument CO thermal band channels, J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 109, No. D3, D03308, 10.1029/2003JD003970.
23. Edwards D. P., L. K. Emmons, D. A. Hauglustaine, D. A. Chu, J. C. Gille, Y. J. Kaufman, G.
Petron, L. N. Yurganov, L. Giglio,
M. N. Deeter, V. Yudin, D.
C. Ziskin, J. Warner, J.-F. Lamarque, G. L. Francis, S. P. Ho, D. Mao, J. Chen, E. I. Grechko, and J. R. Drummond, 2004, Observations of carbon
monoxide and aerosols from the Terra satellite: Northern Hemisphere
variability, J. Geophys.
Res., 109, D24202, doi:10.029/2004JD004727.
24. Emmons, L. K.; Deeter,
M. N.; Gille, J. C.; Edwards, D. P.; Atti, J.-L.; Warner, J.;
Ziskin, D.; Francis, G.; Khattatov,
B.; Yudin, V.;
Lamarque, J.-F.; Ho, S.-P.; Mao, D.; Chen, J.
S.; Drummond, J.; Novelli, P.; Sachse,
G.; Coffey, M. T.; Hannigan, J. W.; Gerbig, C.; Kawakami,
S.; Kondo, Y.; Takegawa, N.; Schlager, H.; Baehr, J.; Ziereis, H., 2004: Validation of Measurements of Pollution
in the Troposphere (MOPITT) CO Retrievals With Aircraft in Situ Profiles, J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 109, No. D3, D03309, 10.1029/2003JD004101.
25. Kar J., H. Bremer, J. R. Drummond, Y.
J. Rochon, D. B.A. Jones, F. Nichitiu,
J. Zou, J. Liu, J. C. Gille, D. P. Edwards, M. N. Deeter, G. Francis, D. Ziskin,
and J. Warner, 2004, Evidence of vertical transport of carbon monoxide from
Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT), Geophys. Res. Lett.,
31, L23105, doi:10.1029/2004GL021128.
26. Lamarque J.-F., B. Khattatov, V. Yudin, D. P.
Edwards, J. C. Gille, L. K. Emmons, M. N. Deeter, J.
Warner, D. Ziskin, G. Francis, S. Ho, D. Mao, and J.
Chen, 2004, Application of a bias estimator for the improved assimilation of
Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) carbon monoxide
retrievals, J. Geophys.
Res., 109, D16304, doi:10.1029/2003JD004466.
27. Deeter, M. N.; L. K. Emmons, G. L. Francis, D.
P. Edwards, J. C. Gille, J. X. Warner, B. Khattatov,
D. Ziskin, J.-F. Lamarque, S.-P. Ho, V. Yudin,
J.-L. Attie, D. Packman, J. Chen, D. Mao, and James
R. Drummond, 2003, Operational Carbon Monoxide Retrieval Algorithm and Selected
Results for the MOPITT Instrument. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D14), 4399, doi:10.1029/2002JD003186.
28. Edwards, D. P., J.-F.
Lamarque, J.-L. Attie, L.
K. Emmons, J. X. Warner, M. N. Deeter, D. Ziskin, A. Richter, J.-P. Cammas,
L. V. Lyjak, G. L. Francis, J. C. Gille, and J. R.
Drummond, 2003, Tropospheric Ozone Over The Tropical Atlantic: A Satellite
Perspective. J. Geophys. Res. 108, 4237, doi:10.1029/2002JD002927.
29. Heald, C. L., D. J. Jacob, A. M. Fiore, L. K.
Emmons, J. C. Gille, M. N. Deeter, J. X. Warner, D.
P. Edwards, J. H. Crawford, A. J. Hamlin, G. W. Sachse,
E. V. Browell, M. A. Avery, S. A. Vay,
D. J. Westberg, D. R. Blake, H. B. Singh, S. T. Sandholm, R. W. Talbot, and H. E. Fuelberg,
2003: Asian outflow and trans-Pacific transport of carbon monoxide and ozone
pollution: An integrated satellite, aircraft, and model perspective, J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 108, NO. D24, 4804, doi:10.1029/2003JD003507.
30. Lamarque J.-F., D. P. Edwards, L. K. Emmons, J. C.
Gille, O. Wilhelmi, C. Gerbig, D. Prevedel, M. N. Deeter, J.
Warner, D. C. Ziskin, B. Khattatov,
G. L. Francis, V. Yudin, S. Ho, D. Mao, J. Chen, J.
R. Drummond, 2003, Identification
of CO plumes from MOPITT data: Application to the August 2000 Idaho-Montana
forest fires, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (13), 1688,
31. Warner, J. X., J. C. Gille, D. P.
Edwards, D. C. Ziskin, M. W. Smith, and P. L. Bailey,
2001: Cloud Detection and Clearing for the EOS Terra Satellite Measurement of
Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Experiment. Applied Optics: Vol. 40, issue
8, 1269-1284.
32. Warner, J. X., and R. G. Ellingson, 2000,
A New Narrowband Radiation Model for Water Vapor Absorption. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 1481-1496.
33. Warner, J. X., 1997, A New Longwave
Radiation Model for Application to Atmospheric Problems. Ph.D. Dissertation, University
of Maryland, pp. 198.
34. Warner, J. X., J. M. Grossmann, D. A.
Chu, K. Fuemmrich, and R. A. Warner, 2006, Airborne hyperspectral data collection with the UMBC VNIR sensor. Proceedings of
the SPIE, Volume 6299, pp. 62990X, 10.1117/12.680996,