We believe the electrical problems that have plagued recent research
flights have been corrected, and hopefully will not reoccur.
The aircraft will now embark on an extended deployment flying in
support of several large projects, initially the EPA-sponsored NARSTO
Northeast Oxidant and Particle Study (NARSTO/NE-OPS) in Philadelphia,
PA and later the DOE-sponsored Upper Ohio River Valley Project (UORVP)
and EPA-sponsored 2001 Eastern Supersite intensive (ESP01) around Pittsburgh,
The current plan is to ferry on Friday July 20 to Philadelphia
Northeast Airport (PNE) ~10 miles NE of Philadelphia, PA
leaving College Park Airport (CGS) around 0800 EDT. During this ferry
flight we will conduct vertical survey spirals upwind and
around Philadelphia over the following airports:
9.5-surface Kft MSL over Summit, DE (EVY) ~40 miles SW of Philadelphia
sfc-9.5 Kft over Pennridge, PA (N70) ~30 miles NNW of Philadelphia
9.5-sfc Kft over PNE
and before landing perform an intercomparison flyby at ~1.0 Kft of the
Millersville University (MU) tethered balloon at the NE-OPS surface
We will base at PNE Friday through Sunday out of Philadelphia Jet
Center: 215-673-9000 (ask for "N500Z Crew") and will be
staying at Marriot Courtyard Bensalem: 3327 Street Road, Bensalem,
PA 215-639-9100.
The Friday July 20 PM flight will be conducted around and downwind
of Philadelphia with an intercomparison flyby of the MU balloon
followed by the following vertical survey spirals:
7.5-sfc Kft over Trenton-Robbinsville, NJ (N87) ~35 miles NE of
sfc-7.5 Kft over Camden Co., NJ (19N) ~20 mi SE of Philadelphia
7.5-sfc Kft over PNE before landing.
Research flights on Saturday July 21 and Sunday July 22
out of PNE will emulate the Friday with AM and PM operations mostly
upwind and downwind of Philadelpia, respectively.
On Monday July 23 we will switch to the Pittsburgh, PA
area, begining with a ferry from PNE to Allegheny County Airport (AGC),
and performing vertical survey spirals en route over PNE and Jefferson
County Airport (2G2) in Stubenville, OH.
We will base at AGC Monday and Tuesday out of Corporate Air:
412-469-6800 and stay at the Comfort Inn: 1340 Lebanon
Church Road, West Mifflin, PA 412-653-6600 Monday night.
The Monday July 23 PM flight will investiate air quality just
downwind of Pittsburgh, PA performing the following vertical survey
sfc-7.5 Kft over West Penn/Rock (9G1) ~15 miles NNE of Pittsburgh, PA
(although this location may be ammended it PIT departures make air
traffic congestion an issue)
7.5-sfc Kft over Rostraver (P53) ~20 miles SE of Pittsburgh, PA
sfc-7.5 Kft over 2G2
On Tuesday July 24 the plan is to work the Pittsburgh area
initially, with vertical survey spirals over:
sfc-9.5 Kft over 2G2
9.5-sfc Kft over P53
sfc-7.5 Kft over 9G1
After refueling at AGC, we will work east following an approximate
forward trajectory path influenced by the (currently) forecast
zonal westerly winds with vertical survey spirals as follows:
sfc-7.5 Kft over P53
7.5-sfc Kft over Altoona Blair County (AOO), Altoona PA
sfc-7.5 Kft over Lancaster (LNS), Lancaster PA
before returning to home base at CGS
Preliminary results days will be posted at this site late next week.