UMD AOSC Seminar
Contrasting Physical-Biological Interactions in
the Central Gyres and Ocean Margin
Professor Anand Gnanadesikan
NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University (Starting January 2011)
This talk will contrast the behavior of the relatively stagnant eastern
margins of the ocean basins with the more rapidly ventilated subtropical
gyres. These regions exhibit contrasting physical responses to changes
in ocean biological cycling as a result of changing solar heating, with
clearer gyres
becoming cooler and clearer margins becoming warmer. The former result has
interesting implications for the climatology of tropical cyclones. The two
regimes also exhibit different biological responses to changes in ocean
physics. Increasing vertical mixing increases nutrient concentrations in
the margins, but drops them in the gyres. Increasing lateral mixing has
the opposite impact. Under global warming, the gyres become older and
concentrations drop, but the margins become younger and oxygen
November 11, 2010, Thursday
Seminar: 3:30-4:30pm
Computer and Space Sciences (CSS) Building, Auditorium (Room 2400)
Refreshment is served at 3:00pm in the adjoining Atrium
[Contact: Professor James Carton]
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AOSC 818. Frontiers in Atmosphere, Ocean, Climate, and Synoptic Meteorology Research