UMD AOSC Seminar Recent Findings in Weather and Climate Research from the AIRS on AquaDr. Thomas Pagano NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory AIRS Project Manager The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the EOS Aqua Spacecraft was launched on May 4, 2002. AIRS acquires hyperspectral infrared radiances in the 3.7-15.4 um spectral region with spectral resolution of better than 1200, and spatial resolution of 13.5 km with global daily coverage. The AIRS was designed to measure temperature and water vapor profiles for improvement in weather forecast and improved parameterization of climate processes. Currently the AIRS Level 1B Radiance Products are assimilated by NWP centers worldwide and have shown considerable forecast improvement. Researchers have also demonstrated considerable forecast impact assimilating cloud cleared radiances and Level 2 (L2) geophysical products. AIRS L1 and L2 products are widely used for studying critical climate processes related to water vapor feedback, atmospheric transport and cloud properties. AIRS trace gas products include ozone profiles, carbon monoxide, and the first global maps of mid-tropospheric carbon dioxide. The global daily coverage of AIRS allows scientists to follow the transport of these gases to aid in validation of chemical/weather transport models.
March 25, 2010, Thursday [Contact: Kayo Ide] |