Progress in
Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere
Dr. Ludovic Brucker, NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center
The different
elements of the cryosphere at high latitudes, like the Greenland and Antarctic
ice sheets, sea ice in both hemispheres, frozen soil, and seasonal snow covers
on land are both actors in the Earth's climate system and indicators of its
evolution. Therefore, it is important to monitor the current state and changes
of these elements. Such monitoring from in-situ measurements is very
challenging due to the remote and harsh environments. In contrast, space-based
sensors are appealing tools, especially microwave radiometers, which provide
daily observations of the high latitudes with a weak sensitivity to the
atmospheric properties and the solar illumination.
Algorithms are
developed to convert the electromagnetic measurements in geophysical and
climate variables (e.g. snow accumulation, sea ice concentration, melt event,
snow depth). This is never straightforward. For instance, passive microwave
observations depend mostly on snow temperature and snow emissivity, i.e., the
vertical evolution of the snow properties (such as grain size and density). To
retrieve geophysical and climate variables, a good knowledge of emissivities
and, thus, of snow properties is required. To that end, in-situ and remote
measurements of the Polar Regions are collected and analyzed to develop
satellite algorithms.