Multisensor Snow Assimilation: A Simultaneous Radiometric and Gravimetric
Dr. Barton Forman, University of
Maryland/ Civil and Environmental Engineering
Snow is a
critical resource and serves as the dominant freshwater supply for 1+ billion
people worldwide. Recent events in California, for example, highlight the
importance of snow and its impact on extreme drought. Accurate measurements of
snow are vital for predicting (and mitigating) the effects of extreme drought.
However, global estimates of snow mass (a.k.a. snow water equivalent [SWE])
contain significant uncertainty and are often unavailable in regions of the
globe where SWE is greatest. Further, satellite-based remote sensing products
of SWE are severely limited when the snow pack contains liquid water, internal
ice layers, surface ice crusts, or is overlain by forest canopy. Recent
advances in data assimilation offer the potential to improve our estimates of
global SWE. In particular, the merger of passive microwave remote sensing
(e.g., AMSR-E) with satellite-based gravimetric retrievals (e.g., GRACE) offers
unique opportunities to bridge remote sensing scales in space and time,
"see" deeper into the snow pack, and add vertical resolution to the
gravimetric retrievals that currently does not exist. A discussion of current
and emerging data assimilation techniques as applied to snow is presented with
an emphasis on regional- and continental-scale SWE estimation.