Arctic Freshwater
Export: Status, Mechanisms, and Prospects
Dr. Thomas Haine, Johns Hopkins
Large freshwater
anomalies clearly exist in the Arctic Ocean. For example, liquid freshwater has
accumulated in the Beaufort Gyre in the decade of the 2000s compared to
1980–2000, with an extra ? 5000 km3 (about 25%) being stored. Both the sources
of freshwater and the Arctic surface wind are important controls on freshwater
anomalies, and both have changed in the last decade. Coupled climate models
project continued freshening of the Arctic during the 21st century, with a
total gain of about 50000 km3 for the Arctic, CAA, and Baffin Bay (an increase
of about 50%) by 2100. Rapid discharges of excess freshwater through Fram or
Davis straits appear possible, triggered by the wind, but are hard to predict.
This talk will describe recent changes in the Arctic Ocean freshwater system,
review attempts to understand the mechanisms causing these changes, and
speculate about future prospects, especially for the oceanic export of Arctic