Peer-Reviewed Publications
Jeffrey W. Stehr
Castellanos, P., W. T. Luke, P. Kelley, J. W. Stehr, S. H.
Ehrman, and R. R. Dickerson, "Modification of a commercial cavity
ring-down spectroscopy NO2 detector for enhanced
sensitivity", Review of Scientific
Instruments, 80, 113107, 2009. Full Text (pdf)
Castellanos, P., J.W. Stehr, R. R. Dickerson, S. H Ehrman,
"The sensitivity of modeled ozone to the temporal distribution of
point, area and mobile source emissions in the eastern United States", Atmospheric Environment,
43 (30) September 2009, pp. 4603-4611. Full Text (pdf)
Bloomer, B. B., J.W. Stehr, C. A. Piety, R. J. Salawitch,
R. R. Dickerson, “Observed Relationships of Ozone Air Pollution with
Temperature and Emissions”, Geophys.
Res. Lett., May 5,
2009. Full Text
Hains, J. C., B. F. Taubman, A. M. Thompson, L. T. Marufu, J.
W. Stehr, B. G. Doddridge, R. R. Dickerson, “Origins of chemical
pollution derived from mid-Atlantic aircraft profiles using a
clustering technique”, Atmospheric Environment, 42 (8) March 2008, pp.
1727-1741. Full Text (pdf)
Dickerson, R. R., C. Li, Z. Li, L.T. Marufu, J.W. Stehr, H. Chen,
P. Wang, X. Xia, X. Ban, F. Gong, J. Yuan, J. Yang, N. Krotkov,
“Aircraft Observations of Dust and Pollutants over NE China: Insight
into the Meteorological Mechanisms of Long-Range Transport”, J.
Geophys. Res., 112, D24S90, doi:10.1029/2007JD008999, 2007. Full Text (pdf)
Li, C., L.T Marufu, R.R. Dickerson, Z.Q. Li, T.X. Wen, Y.S. Wang,
P.C. Wang, H.B. Chen, J.W. Stehr, “In situ measurements of trace gases
and aerosol optical properties at a rural site in northern China during
East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: An International Regional
Experiment 2005”, Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 112
(D22): Art. No. D22S04 Aug 30, 2007. Full Text (pdf)
Taubman, B. F., J. C. Hains, A. M. Thompson, L. T. Marufu, B. G.
Doddridge, J. W. Stehr, C. A. Piety, R. R. Dickerson, “Aircraft
Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Pollution over the
Mid-Atlantic U.S.: Statistics and Meteorological Cluster Analysis”, J. Geophys. Res. 111 (D10S07),
2006. Full Text (pdf)
Choi, Y.-J., S. H. Ehrman, R. V. Calabrese, J. W. Stehr, R. R.
Dickerson, A Combined Approach for the Evaluation of a VOC Emissions
Inventory, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 56:169–178, February,
2006 Full Text
Stehr, J.W., A Guide to Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Quality, MARAMA,
Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association, Baltimore, Maryland,
2005. Full Text (pdf)
Marufu, L. T.; Taubman, B. F.; Bloomer, B.; Piety, C. A.; Doddridge, B.
G.; Stehr, J. W.; Dickerson, R. R., Reply to comment by D. A. Hansen et
al. on “The 2003 North American electrical blackout: An accidental
experiment in atmospheric chemistry”, Geophys.
Lett., Vol. 32, No. 10, L10813, May 28, 2005. Full Text (pdf)
Habib G., Venkataraman C., Shrivastava M., Banerjee R.,
Stehr J. W., Dickerson R. R., New methodology for estimating biofuel
consumption for cooking: Atmospheric emissions of black carbon and
sulfur dioxide from India, Global
Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (3): Art. No. GB3007 Jul 30
Full Text (pdf)
B.F. , L.T. Marufu, C.A. Piety, B.G. Doddridge, J.W.
Stehr, and R.R. Dickerson, Airborne characterization of the chemical,
optical, and meteorological properties, and origins of a combined
ozone/haze episode over the eastern U.S., J. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 61 Issue 14,
p1781, July 15, 2004. ABSTRACT
Full Text (pdf)
Marufu, L. , B. Taubman, B. Bloomer, J. W. Stehr, B. G.
Doddridge, C. Piety, and R. R. Dickerson, The 2003 Blackout over
Eastern North America: An Accidental Experiment in Air Chemistry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31 (13): Art.
No. L13106 Jul 15, 2004. ABSTRACT
Ball, W. P., R. R. Dickerson, B. G. Doddridge, J. W. Stehr,
T. L. Miller, D. L. Savoie and T. P. Carsey, Bulk and size-segregated
aerosol composition observed during INDOEX 1999: Overview of
meteorology and continental impacts, Journal of Geophysical
Research, Atmospheres,108 (D10), 8001, doi:10.1029/2002JD002467
Stehr, J.W., W. P. Ball, R. R. Dickerson, B. G. Doddridge,
C. A. Piety, J. E. Johnson, Latitudinal gradients in O3 and
CO during INDOEX 1999, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres
, 107(D19), 8016, doi:10.1029/2001JD000446, 2002. ABSTRACT
Stehr, J. W., R. R. Dickerson, K. A. Hallock-Waters, B. G.
Doddridge, Observations
of NOy, CO, and SO
2 and the Origin of Reactive Nitrogen in the Eastern
United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres
105(D3) 3553-3563, Feb. 16, 2000 ABSTRACT
Full Text (pdf)
Civerolo, K. L., J. W. Stehr, R. R. Dickerson, Determination of the
Dynamic Response of a Nitric Oxide Detector, Review of Scientific
Instruments, vol. 70(10) pp. 4078-4080, 1999. ABSTRACT
Stehr, J., D. Krankowsky, K. Mauersberger, Collection and Analysis
Atmospheric Ozone Samples, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 24
317-325, 1996. ABSTRACT
Krankowsky, D., F. Bartecki, G. G. Klees, K. Mauersberger, K.
Schellenbach, J. Stehr, Measurement of Heavy Isotope Enrichment in
Tropospheric Ozone,
Geophysical Research Letters, 22 (13) pp. 1713-1716, 1995. ABSTRACT
Mauersberger, K., J. Morton, B. Schueler, J. Stehr, and S. Anderson,
Multi-Isotope Study of Ozone: Implications for the Heavy Ozone Anomaly Geophysical
Letters 20 pp. 1031-1034, 1993 ABSTRACT
Steiger, T., J. Stehr, H. C. Griffin, M. Skalsey, J. Van House,
Development of Intense, Long-lived Positron Sources Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A299 pp. 255-260, 1990 ABSTRACT
Other Publications
Stehr, J.W., A Guide to Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Quality, MARAMA,
Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association, Baltimore, Maryland,
2005. Full
Krankowsky, D., G. G. Klees, J. Stehr, and K. Mauersberger, Isotope
Enrichment of Tropospheric Ozone, Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union,
26, 1993. ABSTRACT
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