Maryland State Climatologist Office

Area-averaged Extreme Precipitation & Dry Spells in
Maryland: January 1 - February 28, 2025

This analysis identifies Days with Extreme Precipitation as those whose daily accumulated precipitation is equal or larger than the 95 percentily of daily precipitation in the period 1951-2000; and Dry Spells as those whose daily accumulated precipitation is lower than 0.04 inches for at least two consecutuve days. Summary tables can be seen in the following links for Extreme Precipitation, and Dry Spells.

NOTE: The plots are created from preliminary NCEI's nClimDiv-Daily data set, v1.0.0. Data labeled as scaled on March 8, 2025.

Dry spells (consecutive days with daily total precipitation less than 0.04 inches) in the calendar year are shown as brown-filled squares, while extreme precipitation days (precipitation equal to or larger than the 95th percentile of daily precipitation in the period 1951-2000) are displayed as green-filled circles. The green horizontal line in each panel marks the extreme precipitation threshold.