Visitors attending the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science's Thursday seminar may park
at the
Stadium Drive Parking Garage (PG 3).
You may also check the
University Campus Parking Map.
Please refer to Directions to locate us on campus.
For seminar speakers:
If you have nothing else to be reimbursed, please
- park your car in any numbered slot in PG3 (there is one kiosk near the PG3 entrance);
- pay for the entire day and obtain a receipt;
- bring the receipt to your host for reimbursement.
If you have other items to be reimbursed, please park, pay, and obtain a receipt. After the visit, please include the fee parking in your expense statement form, and return the form and all recepts to:
- Ms. Tammy Paolino
- Department of Atmosheric and Oceanic Science
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742-2425
For seminar attendees: We no longer validate or pay for parking tickets.
For questions: Please contact either your host or Ms. Tammy Paolino by email or phone (301-405-5413).