JAKARTA POST: RI, US launch climate study of Puncak Jaya glaciers
ANTARA: Tigaperempat Es Puncak Jaya Raib
ANTARA NEWS: Lapisan Es Puncak Jaya Tinggal 22 Persen
REPUBLIKA: Indonesia-Amerika Teliti Lapisan Es Puncak Jaya Papua
GATRA: 2010, Ilmuwan Teliti Sejarah Es Puncak Jaya
GATRA: Lapisan Es Puncak Jaya Tersisa 22%
KOMPAS: Indonesia-Amerika Kaji Lapisan Es Abadi
SUARA MERDEKA: Lapisan Es Puncak Jaya Menipis
KOMPAS: Lapisan Es Catat Sejarah Perubahan Iklim
METROTV NEWS:Tim Indonesia-Amerika Meneliti Es Puncak Jaya
Racing Time on Oceania's Highest Peak
Core of the Matter
Video: Flying Over Puncak Jaya
Ice on Ice
Finished, as the Glaciers Fall Apart
Decline and Fall of a Glacier
The Ice Cores
Images of Ice Drilling
The Landscape We Are Up Against
Drilling the Glacier to Bedrock
Finally on Ice