AOSC 652: Analysis Methods in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Instructors: Ross Salawitch, Jeff Henrikson, Tim Canty, and Walt Tribett
MWF, 12:45 to 1:50 pm, CSS 3426
Fall 2016: 3 units
Primary textbooks to be used throughout the course:
FORTRAN 77 Programming (2nd edition, 1990) by T. M. R. Ellis
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 77: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd edition, 1992) by William H. Press et al.
(available on-line at )
Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires
Specialty textbooks to be used for various portions of the course:
An Introduction to Programming with IDL: Interactive Data Language by Kenneth P. Bowman
Numerical Computing with MATLAB by Cleve Moler
Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists by Alex J. DeCaria
The following webpage, prepared by AOSC students for AOSC students prior to this course being taught, provides a wealth of information. Please explore the contents as this course evolves:
Typically, the first meeting of each week
will be devoted to white board lecture of the weekly topic. The second meeting
of each week will be conducted using projection of an active computer monitor,
showing code development related to the weekly topic. An assignment will be
given at the end of the second meeting. The third meeting of each week will
be devoted to reviewing previous homework assignments, clarifying questions
about prior lecture notes, and in class work on the assigned problem,
which will be due (code plus numerical and/or graphical results) at the
start of the first lecture of the following week. Assigned problems will be
drawn from real world examples of the various topics in atmospheric and oceanic
sciences: for example, an assignment on statistical methods may be based on
time series of temperature in Washington, DC; an assignment on Fourier analysis
may relate to the Vostok climate record.
The objective of the course is to
provide students experience in the development of code to solve a variety of
numerical problems they are likely to encounter during their dissertation
research and subsequent careers. The students will be exposed to FORTRAN,
during the various exercises. We will also work with modern data formats
such as HDF5 and NetCDF as well as modern graphical tools such as Google
Earth. Introduction to these languages will be a natural component of the
Week |
Topic |
1) 29, 31 Aug | Intro to Linux & Text Editing |
2) 2, 7 & 9 Sept | Intro to FORTRAN: Simple Computations |
3) 12, 14, 16 Sept | Intro to Graphics & Analysis of Satellite Measurements of Atmos. Comp. |
4) 19, 21, 23 Sept | Getting to know FORTRAN: Data Sorting,Input/Output, and Simple Statistics |
5) 26, 28, 30 Sept | Least Squares Analysis, Statistical Regression, and Spline Fitting |
6) 3, 5, 7 Oct | Numerical Integration |
7) 10, 12, 14 Oct | Root Finding & Newton Raphson Minimization |
8) 17, 19, 21 Oct | Introduction to IDL and PYTHON (Students choose one track) |
9) 24, 26, 28 Oct | Fourier Analysis |
10) 31 Oct & 2, 4 Nov | Multiple Linear Regression; Data Access for Projects |
11) 7, 9, 11 Nov | Satellite Data Visualization; HDF & NetCDF |
12) 14, 16,18 Nov | Ordinary Differential Equations; File Compression |
13) 21 Nov | Partial Differential Equations |
Work on Computationally Based Project | |
15) 5, 7, 9 Dec | Continue to Work on Computationally Based Project |
16) 19 Dec | Project Presentations aka "The Show" or perhaps "The Marathon" |
Grades will be determined based on attendance and participation (10%), weekly assigned projects (70%), and a final project (20%) that will be chosen either by each student or from a list of suggested final projects. Assignments are meant to be turned in on time. There will be a penalty (points per days late) for various assignments, announced as class progresses, that will be imposed unless an arrangement has been made for extenuating circumstances prior to the due date. The last two weeks of class will be devoted to the final project. The final project will emphasize application of the tools of the class to a problem of current interest in the geophysical sciences. We are not planning on having either a mid-term or final exam. Grades will be based solely on the weekly programming assignments, the final project, and class attendance and participation.
The course is open to students with a basic scientific background. Successful completion of freshman calculus and physics is required. No past programming experience, or experience in Linux or Unix, is required.
For assigned programming projects, you may consult any texts or websites you desire. However, the work you turn in must reflect only your own code development. General course concepts, syntax issues, questions about an assignment, etc. may be discussed with other students. For certain programming assignments, clearly blocks of code are intended to be taken (in some cases copied) from either a text book or some other reference source. Again, we require that the code you turn in reflect your own code development using these resources and not be copied from another student. Details of the University of Maryland Honor Code can be found at the Student Honor Council website as well as the Testudo website.
Office Hours: by appointment
Office Locations: Ross Salawitch
(bldg 224) Room 2403
Jeff Henrikson – CSS (bldg 224) Room 2425
Tim Canty – CSS (bldg 224) Room 3427
Walt Tribett – CSS (bldg 224) Room 4100
Website last updated on Friday, 09 December 2016.
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